Alien Trilogy Windows 10

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  4. Alien Trilogy Windows 10 Download
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  6. Alien Trilogy Pc

Moreover, using the original Alien Trilogy graphics, I have created new rotation attack frames, blood and gore sprites. This mod takes the aesthetics of Alien Trilogy, and combines it with the action and game play of Aliens the Ultimate Doom. Special thanks to Lex Safanov for decompressing the Alien Trilogy files! The game from Virgin based on the 1992 animated Disney film is a side-scrolling platformer. The player controls Aladdin, who must make his way through several levels based on locations from the movie: from the streets and rooftops of Agrabah, the Cave of Wonders and the Sultan's dungeon to the final confrontation in Grand Vizier Jafar's palace. Gameplay for Alien Trilogy, Dos PC game produced by Acclaim in 1996 - and blasting aliens in thi.

It's a couple of years since last ventured into the PC to review a game (I've been busy nursing Cambridge United into the Champions League - I wish). When I was last here, first-person perspective games were all the rage - charging round blasting aliens out of space ships, moonbases or small housing estates just outside Slough (my own contribution to the genre, which strangely never took off, though me mum said she liked it). Anyway, two years and three changes of shirt later, I'm back and guess what -everyone's still playing first-person perspective shoot 'em ups. Alt well, Wimbledon are still playing long ball pressure football and it doesn't seem to be doing them any harm.

Deja Vu

On first loading up Alien Trilogy I thought, Uh oh, seen it all before. Of course you have, bladder head, came the reply. It used to be on the Playstation.That's the problem with this place. No respect. Mind you, they're right (about the game, not my head), it did first appear on the Playstation where some people thought it was really fab and others didn't - but hey, that's the crazy kind of multi-personal world we live in. I'm not going to litter the review with comparisons between the two versions, however, because a) they're a waste of time if you didn't see the psx version, and b) I only played it once... and it was late... and I was tired... and I had a lot on my mind... and alright I didn't get off the fifth level. Damn.

Back To Base-ics

Alien Trilogy, true to both its genre and film background, lands you on an alien-infected base with the job of clearing a path through it for the gung-ho marines who are following you up. In fact, rather than simply clearing a path, you end up blasting everything in sight. Which rather begs the question of what these oh so tough gum-chewing marines are going to do when they arrive. I mean, how come you have to do all the work and take all the risks while they sit in the ship talking about baseball and saying Yo a lot? (Or even our Acting Prod Ed's favourite exchange - Hudson: You ever been mistaken for a man, Vasquez? Vasquez: No, have you?)

One of the game's strongest elements is its visual feel. Plenty of shadow, dim lighting and the occasional burst of infra-red to make it hard to see the danger (let alone take a line on it, or try to engage it in existentialist debate) until it's on you. There is also plenty of moody music, and voices shouting encouragement or contempt. Often, a woman's voice breathes a seductive come on, come on. This is presumably meant to be encouragement. Unfortunately, whenever women say things like that to me I tend to go red, knock my drink over and shoot myself in the foot with my plasma rifle (which can be very embarrassing in The Starving Peasant on a Friday night.) (It's Ripley, you fool - Ed.)

A-Monster, A-Monster, We All Fall Down

Where the game falls down really is... well, in the game, to be honest. There's nothing exactly wrong with it, but in view of this being such a tried and tested formula there's not exactly anything new here either - in fact, much of it is quite old. You wander round levels collecting objects (though these are primarily just medical kits and extra ammo, there's little in the way of special items), you shoot monsters when they attack you and occasionally clear away oil barrels (which the poor little marines don't want to dirty their hands on by moving themselves.) There are a few different weapons including a shotgun, a flamethrower and a smart gun. Unfortunately, none of the weapons is actually that smart. With the exception of the 9mm automatic, which is about as much use as a pea shooter on the Western Front, they're all much of a muchness.

The same could be said of the monsters. Variety may be the spice of life but it doesn't season this game. There are only a handful of different types of monster, none of which appears to exactly drip with ai. Although I promised not to mention the Playstation version, one thing I do remember from it is the irritating basts which crawl along the floor before launching themselves onto your face. Well, they are still here. You can shoot downwards to get rid of them or wait until they land on your face when by a miracle of shooting prowess you're able to blast them off without damaging your nose, or even moving your gun from its static horizontal position. If you're going to try this at home, make sure you have a responsible adult to help you.

A Level Playing Field

Not only do the monsters lack intelligence, so do many of the levels. Although each level has its own task (switching on the lighting, clearing a path for those pathetic flower pressers back in the spaceship) they're not exactly demanding - or even that big. Even the later levels are quite small and in general puzzle-free (if you exclude having to blast a few false walls out of the way). Combat is generally just a matter of backing off and firing until the monster drops. The biggest challenge is how to avoid treading on any of the bodies (their poison still does you damage even after death). Apart from that, simply blundering round a level firing at all and sundry - my usual approach to these things - normally works fine. And as for the last level -well, don't hold your breath.

Niggles aside, Alien Trilogy is a more than adequate first-person shoot 'em up. It's got plenty of atmosphere, moves pretty speedily and looks good onscreen. It doesn't really add anything new to the genre, but then most people would have at least seen it on the psx and won't be expecting any surprises. The problem is, it's not much more than adequate. It's fun, but lacks any imagination or those irritating puzzles that make Quake and Duke Nukem so outstanding. It's good, but limited.

PC VERSIONAlien Trilogy Windows 10

The primary bug in the PC version of Alien Trilogy is software failureto recognize the available RAM of a specific system if 64 MB RAMor more is installed. Installation is interrupted and an error message comes upstating that the game requires at least 8 MB of RAM (even though the system has at least 64 MB). There are also someincompatibility problems with certain video cards. The RAM and some of the video card bugs can befixed with a single patch available atAlien trilogy moviesAcclaim.A list of the affected video cards is also provided. For the link directly to the patch download sitefor Alien Trilogy, clickHERE.Three different patches are available (US, European, and German), so make sure you download the correct one. Note that this patch will not fix bugs for some (particularly newer)video cards, so even if you have that GeForce 4 graphics card parked in your game machine,you still might be stuck playing Alien Trilogy in 256-color mode.

If the animated movies throughout the game do not play properly, be sure to run wtrilogy.exeor trilogy.pif after installing the game using the patch.

During actual play, the game may occasionally lock up when the'NADIAPOPOV'code is used to access different levels (see theCODESsection). This usually occurs as soon as the code is enteredand the new level begins to load.

There may be additional bugs within the game itself.Some are merely curiosities and do not affect gameplay, but some--particularly the sequence-relatedbugs--may affect scoring (see theWALK-THROUGHSfor specific cases).

These are the commonest technical problems that afflict Alien Trilogy. If you experienceadditional technical difficulties related directly to Alien Trilogy that are not corrected inthe game or patch READ-ME file, I am interested in adding them to this page. You canE-MAILme with your questions, although I may not be able toprovide a solution. You can also contact technical support at the game developers directly.You can e-mailAcclaimby clickingHERE.You can also tryFox InteractiverightHERE

It appears that

Alien Trilogy Wiki

Alien Trilogy can be successfully installed and run under Windows ME, but only by installing via the patch (above), not directly from the install file on the game CD itself. However, Windows ME users may not be able to unzip the patch in order to run the install file. HiveSeeker can e-mail the 8 already-unzipped files from the patch to anyone who needs them (1.87 MB); just let me know which patch version (US, European, or German) you need. To e-mail HiveSeeker, CLICK HERE.

Unfortunately, it does not appear that Alien Trilogy can be installed under Windows XP. Other gamers have had difficulty even extracting the patch, much less performing the installation. I will update this information if I am able to determine otherwise.

To uninstall Alien Trilogy, delete the C:Acclaimfolder (and contents) and the C:trilogy.bat file (assuming C: is the drive where the gameis installed). If you have other Acclaim games installed to that folder, however, just delete the C:AcclaimTrilogy folder (it will be the only folder present for Alien Trilogy). There may also be a C:trilogy.pif file present.

If your video card is supported, you will be able to install Alien Trilogy in the higher-resolution 16-bit color mode. If your card is not compatible, you can still install and run the game in 256-color (software) mode. The Readme.txt file accompanying the patch (above) only provides a list of video cards that are made compatible ('fixed') by the patch, not a full list of supported cards. However, here is that list:

Matrox Mystique
Matrox Millenium
Cirrus Logic
Diamond SpeedStar
Diamond Viper
ARK 2000PV (including Diamond Stealth Graphics 2001)

Alien Trilogy also recognizes the I/OMagic MagicVideo 3D/DX video card in my own retro-gaming PC, even without utilizing the patch. I am also able to confirm some video cards that the game does not support, at least in the configurations that I tested:

nVidia TNT2
nVidia GeForce
nVidia GeForce2

Gamers can play the demo (below) to see what the game will look like at 256 colors. You unzip rather than actually install the demo, so you are therefore not given the option to choose the 256-color or 16-bit color installation, and the demo appears to run only in 256-color mode. However, you might still be able to use the demo to tell if your video card is compatible. When first launching the demo, the screen will go black and then two lines of text followed by the words 'Detecting video card . .' will appear. If this text disappears immediately (you may not even see it) and the game continues forward to the main menu screen, the demo probably found your video card right away and proceeded with the game. However, if the text remains there for several seconds and you can see more periods appearing as the game searches, the demo is having a difficult time locating your card. In this case, your card is probably not supported. This trick may or may not work, depending on your own PC setup, your processor speed, and the amount of RAM you have available, but it worked consistently on my own test rigs.

Unfortunately, something about the way Alien Trilogy handles graphics appears to make it impossible to capture in-game screenshots. It is possible to capture some menu screens with the [PRINT SCREEN] button, such as the main menu, pause screen, and credits screen. (In fact, this is how the basic maps were captured in digital format before being enhanced and modified.) Interestingly enough, in some cases even these menu screens could not be captured when the game was installed using the 16-bit color option. However, I have been unable to capture actual in-play game screens, even using various third-party screen capture utilities. The screenshots used in this strategy guide are taken from the PlayStationTM version of the game, using an external video capture device.

Alien Trilogy Windows 10
You can change the sound settings for Alien Trilogy at any time following the initial installation by running C:AcclaimTrilogysetsound.exe (assuming C: is the drive where the gameis installed). Most gamers should probably try the 'Creative Labs Sound Blaster or 100% compatible' or 'Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro or 100% compatible' settings first.

On many modern PCs, Alien Trilogy may run too fast. For example, the game runs slightly slower than the PlayStationTM version on my P133, but the enemies are fast enough to make the game practically unplayable on my PII 450. My best estimate is that the game would run at the 'right' speed on a P150 or P166, depending on the video card used (if any), whether you perform a 256-color (software graphics) or 16-bit color (hardware graphics) installation, and other equipment and settings. Various hardware and software remedies for this problem are provided atThe Oldskool PC,an excellent site dedicated to keeping older games running on newer computers. The section dealing specifically with speed issues isCripple Your PC.


This tiny detail is very easy to miss unless you read the instruction manual very thoroughly! It is definitely worth mentioning because you will have a difficult time completing the game without running to some of the timed lifts, particularly on Level 331 (CANYONS AND CATACOMBS). Simply hit the [CAPS LOCK] key on your keyboard and you will be in 'RUN MODE' (those words will appear on the screen). Pretty simple, but you might not be able to finish the game without this tiny morsel of knowledge.

Perhaps because it is a console port, I enjoy playing Alien Trilogy on my PC with a gamepad rather than using mouse-and-keyboard. Part of the reason for this might also be the slow, non-adjustable mouselook speed. At any rate, you need to set up the gamepad by calibrating it via the Options menu before you can use it during actual play. Default control schemes are shown in the manual for Gravis GRIP or for a four-button gamepad. If you use button mapping software with your gamepad, be sure to leave at least one button 'free' so that you can 'press fire' at the calibration screen in order to be able to use the gamepad. I have had very good success with a Microsoft® Sidewinder® gamepad, and this also happens to be one of the sturdier products available. Before you actually can use it in-game, you must go to Options --> Controls --> Gravis Pad --> Calibrate to calibrate the pad, remembering to leave one 'fire' button unmapped for use during calibration so that the game can detect it. The only disadvantage of this pad is that it has 2 fewer buttons than the PlayStationTM pad, forcing you to reach for your keyboard to look up or down. More modern pads with 2 'left' and 2 'right' triggers each should work better, assuming you are also able to calibrate the pad. If you do use button mapping software with your gamepad, you can redefine the keyboard commands to correspond to the keys you have slaved to your gamepad buttons by going to Options --> Controls --> Keyboard --> Redefine.

Alien Trilogy Download

You can back up your game save files by copying them out of the C:AcclaimTrilogy directory into another folder (assuming C: is the drive where the gameis installed). The save files are named TRIL.SG0, TRIL.SG1, TRIL.SG2, etc. You can also avoid overwriting any save files this way, thus allowing you to maintain a complete collection of game saves for all levels of the game. You can also back up your TRILOGY.CFG game settings/configuration file in the same directory if you need to reinstall the game, or install it on another PC.

The only multiplayer option in Alien Trilogy is straight-up deathmatch over a network. As far as the instruction manual goes, modem dial-up does not appear to be supported. Up to 4 players can compete in a single level (each needs to have the game installed on their own PC, and each needs their own Alien Trilogy CD as well). Other players appear as company synthetics holding and firing smartguns (regardless of the weapon actually equipped); however, different shirt colors do differentiate the different players. The multiplayer options will only be available in the game menu if your computer has a functioning network card installed. Even if your network card is not actually connected to a network, you can still load and play any of the multiplayer levels, although it's a tad lonely! The one reason to do so is that the multiplayer music tracks are among the best in a game that already has excellent atmospheric, moody music.

Alien Trilogy Game

Alien Trilogy Windows 10 Download


Alien Trilogy Playstation

A PC demo and some nifty video and music clips of Alien Trilogy are available over The link directly to their download site isHERE. The patch is available here as well.

Alien Trilogy Pc